Green 13

Tree For Me - get a free tree to plant on your property!


Green 13 and Annette Street Public Library, through the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation, offer you the chance to get a free tree - one that is right for your soil and the location where you will plant.   We will demonstrate proper unpacking, planting and mulching techniques.  Free refreshments will be provided, and a bag of mulch!  (bring a plastic bag for your mulch).  Choose a demonstration and pick-up time  between 10am and 12:30 pm.

Last day to register is Thursday November 16.

Home Energy Efficiency and Conservation


Join Transition Toronto's Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) and Green 13 for this free event to learn about:

  • importance and benefits of energy efficiency and conservation
  • quick starts around home
  • technologies for change

The presentation will include handy hints and a practical demostration.

Green 13 monthly planning meeting


Please join us for Green 13 monthly planning meeting. You can see under our Projects tab that we have 3 projects in progress. We welcome your support in these projects, and in planning future events!

Green Energy Doors Open



Join Green 13 as we participate in the annual Green Energy Doors Open (GEDO) event, a showcase of sustainable energy projects, organized by the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA).

Volunteer Training Session for the Junction Adopt-a-Street-Tree program


Volunteer Training Session for the Junction Adopt-a-Street-Tree program, for volunteers helping with outreach as part of the Adopt-a-Street-Tree program, caring for our Junction Trees


The severe drought of last summer has taken its toll on our city trees, street trees in particular. Come learn how you can volunteer to better assure care for our Junction trees.


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