860,000 of Toronto's Trees Threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer


Toronto is at risk of losing 860,000 ash trees due to the Emerald Ash Borer, a small insect that feeds off, and kills, ash trees. There are a few things that can be done to protect the ash trees but the issue is urgent and the city has limited resources to fight the problem. That's why we need your help.Emeral Ash Borer

The City of Toronto has recognizes the importance of the tree canopy for its significant impact on making the city a livable place; trees are a natural and inexpensive way of keeping our city and homes cool. In an effort to make the city more resilient in the face of climate change Toronto developed a plan to double the canopy; the Emerald Ash Borer is turning that plan on its head. We need to take action to help locate and identify all the ash trees in the city.

Location of ash trees on city streets

The map below shows the location of ash trees located on city streets, but not on private property or in city parks and laneways. There thousands to locate, assess and treat. Download the pdf and zoom in on your area to get an idea of how many trees near you are threatened.

Ward 13 EAB Map

Click here to download a PDF containing a detailed map (2.3 MB) of identified trees in west Toronto. The map was provided by Kristjan Vitols of Urban Forestry to the office of Councillor Doucette.

By learning how to identify ash trees yourself, you can not only help the city better understand the key areas to focus on, but also which trees you and and your neighbours need to check and protecting.

In addition you can learn about planting other species of trees which are resistant to the Emeral Ash Borer. Volunteer! You can help make a difference.

Please contact Green 13 or call (416) 766 6331.

What to do if see a tree you suspect is infected with the Emerald Ash Bore.

  1. Determine if the tree is a City-owned or privately owned tree. Backyard trees are private, as are trees on front lawns outside the street right-of-way. If you are unsure of ownership, call 3-1-1. Trees that are on the boundary between City and private land are referred to as boundary line trees. toronto.ca/trees/pdfs/BoundaryLineTreePolicyForm.pdf (PDF)
  2. If the tree is City-owned and you suspect EAB infestation, contact 3-1-1 for an inspection or information on whether your tree is already scheduled for removal.
  3. With approval of Urban Forestry inspectors, homeowners have the option of paying for pesticide treatment of a City tree at their own expense. For either City-owned or private trees, homeowners who wish to pay for TreeAzin injections should refer to the website bioforest.ca for a list of licensed contractors. For the policy for treating a City-owned tree see: toronto.ca/trees/pdfs/TreeAzinInjectionPolicy.pdf (PDF)