Want to know if your local candidate for councillor or mayoral candidates signed the Green City for All pledge of Toronto Environmental Alliance?

Want to know if your local candidate for councillor or mayoral candidates signed the Green City for All pledge of Toronto Environmental Alliance?  Check here:


Commanding Hope, on the 77th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima

By chance, last evening, August 6, the 77th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, I got to p. 33 in my reading of Commanding Hope by Thomas Homer-Dixon. I was stunned, overwhelmed, to read his explanation

   that he can better convey the peril we face [due to climate destabilization] by emphasizing less how we're warming the planet and more how we're altering the energy flows around our planet. He went on to explain that when we calculate the amount of...

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ICYMI: Adapting to Extreme Heat - webinar by Sustainable Buildings Canada

On June 20 '22 Sustainable Buidlings Canada hosted a webinar on Adapting to Extreme Heat. The presentation highlights findings of the recent report Irreversible Extreme Heat: Protecting Canadians and Communities From a Lethal Future. "This report, from the University of Waterloo and Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, provides guidance on the future of extreme heat events in Canada and how property owners and managers, designers, and planners can take action now to minimize the...

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Irreversible Extreme Heat: Protecting Canadians and Communities from a Lethal Future

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation has just published this report. Watch the webinar recording  here.

"Executive Summary

Urban areas are the hot spots of global warming. Extreme heat, alongside...

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SuperHomes UK

BetterHomesTO is a City of Toronto initiative to provide guidance to residents on how to create more climate-friendly homes. In addition to the useful information available on the website, they host bi-monthly Community-Led Retrofit Initiatives meetings where interested groups or individuals can acquire and share knowledge about ways to reduce residential carbon emissions.

The event held in October 2021 happened to be intercontinental. Members...

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