Ward 13/14 Roundtable on Community Preparedness for Extreme Weather Events

Ward 13/14 Roundtable on Community Preparedness for Extreme Weather Events      January 14, 2017

Green 13 organized this inaugural meeting that took place Saturday, January 14, 2017 at the Annette Library, to bring together representatives, by invitation, from as many stakeholder groups as possible here in Ward 13, as well as the west side of Ward 14 ( e.g. residents’ associations, condo reps, BIAs, faith communities, libraries, schools, health centres, recreation...

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Mayor Tory Shocks Environmentalists by Voting Against Climate Action

Toronto: In a shocking late night vote, Dec.15 '16, Mayor Tory voted against a motion to ask the City’s Budget Committee to find funds in 2017 to help meet Toronto’s climate change targets.

“Every Torontonian concerned with climate change should be profoundly disappointed by Mayor Tory’s vote,” said Franz Hartmann, Executive Director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Toronto’s environmental watchdog. “While he voted for a new climate change plan, he voted against opening...

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Civil Society Responds to Release of Canada's National Framework for Climate Action

Civil Society Responds to Release of Canada’s National Framework for Climate Action 

OTTAWA (December 9, 2016) - Today, First Ministers released the much-anticipated Pan-Canadian Framework on Climate Change and Clean...

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PM Trudeau on Canada's Paris commitment



" He took aim at an argument that Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has used in the past to justify his opposition to carbon pricing — namely, that Canada should not...

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