Finding Optimism in the Fight Against Climate Change

The following transcript, courtesy of CBC Radio, is from the October 24, 2023 episode of The Current, with Matt Galloway. The interview originally took place during the Vancouver Writers' Festival, which took place a few days earlier. If you wish to listen to it rather than to read the transcript, listen for the second topic in the recording of October...

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Five Reports to the Ford Government on Climate Adaptation Finally Released

The Ontario Project Group of Seniors for Climate Action (SCAN) has launched "an Adaptation Campaign to push for action on climate adaptation from the Ford government. There’s no doubt Ontario is experiencing climate breakdown. Wildfires, violent storms, heat waves, drought, tornadoes, and floods are causing incalculable costs in human lives and social and economic impacts across the province. Some provinces are taking action to protect residents from climate impacts, but Ontario is sending...

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July 2023 Open Letter to the Ford Government: RELEASE THE SECRET CLIMATE CHANGE REPORTS!

At the end of July 2023, SCAN, Seniors for Climate Action Now, published the following open letter to the Ford government:

Since 2019, the Ford government has commissioned two major reports on the urgent task of anticipating and reducing the impacts of climate change on the province. But despite raging wildfires, scorching heatwaves and increasingly violent storms, the government that is responsible for protecting us insists on keeping this vital information from the public. Requests...

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Ontario Plans to Expand Use of Natural Gas to Generate Electricity. What's Up With That? Why Should I Care?

Back in early July '23 several constituents in Parkdale-High Park met virtually first with our MPP Bhutila Karpoche, and then with our MP Arif Virani, and voiced our concerns about the provincial government’s plans to expand existing gas plants and build new gas plants in order to produce electricity. We underscored the serious public health concerns, and the impossibility of meeting our climate targets if we were to allow this path. We asked our MPP to please, in conjunction with our MP,...

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Let’s remember what kind of summer we’ve had - including right here in our neighbourhoods, breathing in the smoke of distant forest fires; extending the hours for cooling centres and pool openings to deal with the heat; listening to the news of extreme weather events…  On September 21 ’23 António Guterres did not mince his words at the United Nations as he urged world leaders on an acceleration agenda to safeguard the 1.5ºC temperature goal, and to deliver climate justice: ...

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