Rita Bijons's blog

Canadian Climate Accountability: A letter to PM Trudeau and Min. McKenna from 33 CAN-Rac members

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister McKenna,

Re: Accountability and the Pan Canadian Framework

We take seriously, as we know you and your government do, the warnings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that dramatic and deep cuts in greenhouse gases are required to minimize dangerous climate change. We are embarrassed that as a nation we have so far missed every greenhouse gas reduction target set by the Canadian government prior to the current 2030 target.[1]

Lancet Countdown 2018 Report: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change

The following is the CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment) blog, following the launch on November 29, 2018, of this report. There are 2 sections - one on Global Findings/Impacts of Climate Change, the other, of particular significance for us here, on Canadian Findings and Recommendations. [With special thanks to Kim Perrotta and CAPE for this blog].

Global Findings - Impacts of Climate Change

228 Health Professionals Weigh in on the Trans Mountain Pipeline

On October 22, 2018, the following letter, signed by 228 health professionals, was sent to Prime Minister Trudeau:

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON
Oct. 22, 2018

Climate Health Emergency Requires Action Today

The following is the Media Release issued on October 17, 2018 regarding the fact that several organizations were denied the opportunity to address the Standing Committee conducting hearings on Bill 4, conceived to repeal Ontario's Climate Action Plan that was in place until the recent provincial election:

Climate Health Emergency Requires Action Today

The Prime Minister's website on carbon pricing: October 23, 2018

"Canadians are seeing the costs of climate change first hand, from wildfires in the west to floods in the east, smoke that makes the air unsafe to breathe and heatwaves that endanger the young and the elderly. We need to act now to fight back against climate change, for our children and grandchildren.

The Government of Canada has a plan that protects the environment while growing the economy, and that plan is working – our emissions are down and the economy has grown by 500,000 full-time jobs. But we know we need to do more.


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