Canadians want the Harper government to take a leadership role on climate change and give the Prime Minister poor marks for his approach, says a new poll released Wednesday, November 6, 2013 by a progressive think tank in Ottawa.
The survey – sponsored by Canada 2020 and the University of Montreal – found a high level of belief among Canadians that humans are contributing to global warming and that the federal government should take the lead on combatting climate change.
Andrew Nikiforuk's "Pipelines and the Petrostate" October 17 '13 panel, sponsored by Council of Canadian's, Post Carbon Toronto, Toronto Climate Action Now & others,
After Hurricane Hazel, which killed dozens of people in 1954, Torontonians made strong decisions through their local and provincial governments – such as banning development from flood plains and creating conservation authorities – that proved extremely effective in preventing a repeat of the mayhem. Considering the recent storms and flooding in Calgary and Toronto, and Hurricane Sandy’s devastation to the United States last year, we need to take equivalent bold measures today.