Heat Pumps and Home Retrofits: How to Save Money and Energy in Your Home - Resources shared by our stellar presenters
Warm thanks to our excellent presenters, who spoke at Swansea Town Hall on April 23rd, 2024:
Paul Dowsett (Vice-Chair, Toronto Home Retrofits) presented on home retrofits, reasons for doing them, how to approach them, and where heat pumps can fit in.
Michelle Hjort (Clean Energy Outreach Manager, Energy Neighbour ) presented on heat pumps, different kinds, and considerations for selection and installation.
Keith Burrows (Director, Low Carbon Buidings, The Atmospheric Fund) presented a case study of his own home retrofit, and the retrofit work of TAF.
Below please find the resource list which each has shared, for your continued research:
Paul Dowsett
Home Retrofit Forum Facebook group- an information exchange community
Bulk purchase of induction stoves, homeowner heat pump testimonials – HVRA/ Net Zero Carbon Project - Harbordvillage.com/projects/netzero-carbon-project
Heat pump cost report and calculator-Canadian Climate Institute https://www.cleanairalliance.org/calculator/
Homeowner Heat Pump Testimonials- Ontario CleanAir Alliance https://www.cleanairalliance.org/heat-pump-testimonials/
Pocket Change Project–website includes webinars, retrofit stories, blogs, Retrofit Coach, newsletter signup http://pocketchangeproject.ca
Toronto Home Retrofits-growing website will include webinars, retrofit stories, blogs, Retrofit Coach, newsletter signup for homeowners http://torontohomeretrofits.ca
Michelle Hjort
switching from gas to electric https://www.cleanairalliance.org/calculator/
Keith Burrows
Vancouver Heap Pump Noise Guide https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/heat-pump-noise-guide.pdf
HRAI Contractor Locator https://portal.hrai.ca/HRAI/Contractor_Locator/HRAI/Contractor_Locator/Contractor_Locator.aspx
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) https://ashp.neep.org/#!/product_list/
Ontario Clean Air Alliance Study https://www.cleanairalliance.org/electrifying-ontarios-gas-heated-homes-by-installing-air-source-heat-pumps/
Efficiency Canada’s Heat Pump Myth Buster https://www.efficiencycanada.org/canadian-heat-pump-myth-buster/
TRCA’s STEPS Smarter Home heating https://sustainabletechnologies.ca/home/heating-and-cooling/air-source-heat-pumps/smarter-home-heating/
Emporia energy monitors. https://www.emporiaenergy.com/
Among some funding for residents to support heat pumps and retrofits, we learned about:
• Federal government interest free loans
• City of Toronto announced the launch of an enhanced Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) that will offer zero-interest loans and incentives
• Please note that in addition, we have been advised by Ariana Foyle that under the HELP program: "HELP does cover limited resilience measures such as backwater valves and sump pumps. We may follow up with the client for more information and to receive the quote depending on the price listed and scope of work, but in general yes we cover those measures.”
In addition, please see our blog titled: Heat Pumps and Home Retrofits - Which loans, grants, incentives, programs support these?
There is great interest in establishing a "neighbours helping neighbours" group here in Ward 4. If you are interested in taking part, please keep an eye on Green 13's newsletter!