Green 13 continues to stand up for our parks!

Efforts to organize opposition to the City's decision to put dumps for private garbage in our public parks continues. This is a growing concern throughout Toronto, and is still particularly relevant in our community.

We need your continued assistance by:

- Participating in a letter writing campaign to Councillor Saundercook to push him to take a stronger stand against these dumps on behalf of our community. A sample letter for you to personalize is below. It also cc's the Mayor.

- Joining the Facebook Group "Get the garbage dumps out of Toronto's parks!" -

- Writing letters to the editor of our neighbourhood and city papers, calling into open line radio stations and posting comments expressing your concerns on Internet sites.
Sharing this information with your networks.

- Green 13 is also preparing a letter to send to all Councillors and the Mayor to reconsider their decision to put a garbage dump in our parks.

We are also reaching out to other community groups who share our concerns.

We are updating our this blog and have been speaking to the media about our concerns.

Finally, we are contemplating the idea of some kind of community rally. If you are interested in participating or have ideas about this please let us know.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Template letter:


Councillor Bill Saundercook

cc: Mayor David Miller

Dear Councillor Saundercook,

I am writing to you to express my opposition to the City’s decision to put two private garbage dumps at Sunnyside Park and Sir Casimir Gzowski Park along our western waterfront. Many of us enjoy these parks with family on a regular basis. They are also a particular destination for artists and tourists.

With this decision, the City is sending the wrong message about its commitment to shared public spaces and undermining its future credibility on protecting and enhancing the western waterfront.

Among the undesirable consequences of putting a garbage dump in these parks are:

· Discouraging public use and enjoyment of the park due to the visible blight and smell of the garbage
· Reduced availability of parkland due to the inevitable overflow/ wind blowing of garbage onto parkland
· Unknown environmental risks caused by seepage of garbage into the soil and lake
· Increased traffic congestion and pollution along Lakeshore Boulevard from cars arriving to drop off garbage
· Unknown health risks caused by the likely presence of vermin and increased presence of geese and resulting geese feces
· Restricted access to the park as almost all the parking spaces have been taken up by the garbage dump.

The City has alternatives. It can encourage residents to create less waste, recycle more, provide tips on proper storage of food and other items and recommend the use of home composters. The City can also set up smaller dumping stations on other city-owned non park properties.

Councillor Saundercook, I ask you to stand up for our community and have these dumps shut down immediately.

Thank you.
