Coming Events
Coming Events: Alanna Mitchell, 1 December
The Cost of Hot Water: Climate Change and the Global Ocean
Alanna Mitchell, award-winning environmental journalist, author of Sea Sick
Alanna will be speaking on climate change, focussing on its impact on the oceans. She will be bringing us the new science on this emerging threat, for life on earth depends on life in the oceans. Excess carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is warming and acidifying the global ocean, which in turn threatens life forms essential to the carbon and oxygen cycles on which so many land species (including us) depend.
Swansea Town Hall
95 Lavinia Ave. (S of Deforest, E of Windermere; Runnymede subway, then walk south and west)
Tuesday, December 1 2009
7:30 p.m. (doors open at 7:00 p.m. - coffee will be available)
Chair: Paul Mero, Greenpeace
Co-sponsored by Green 13, Green Awakening and SCOPE (Students concerned with the Oppression of People and the Environment)
Free film screening: A Sea Change
Monday, November 23rd 7:00 pm room 2213 OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto.
Free event.
"A Sea Change"
A grandfather worries about the kind of planet Earth his generation will leave to the grandkids
and the future generations. He embarks on a journey to explore the destructive impact of
climate change on the marine food chains and the ocean ecosystem. He realizes that the
ocean has become the dump site of the world (i.e. CO2 etc.) and much more. Ocean is an
important component of climate system but is not much covered by the media, this movie
fills that void.
Panel discussion: Climate Change and Food Security
Tuesday, December 1st 7:00 pm room 3311 OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Free event.
The panel will look at how climate change will severely undermine the global food production and
food security. The alternative local food system. How much the local food initiative may handle
the looming food security problems.
Climate Change Science Compendium 2009
(The latest climate change report from UNEP--U.N. Environment Programme)
The High Resolution version of the above report
The Low Resolution version of the above report