Rita Bijons's blog

Everything You Wanted to Know about Residential Heat Pumps

What is a heat pump and how can it make your home more comfortable and energy efficient?

To learn all about how this new technology helps to heat and cool your home, view this excellent webinar Residential Heat Pumps 101, hosted by the City of Toronto's Environment and Energy Division on February 28th, 2020

Slides are also available in a pdf format here.

Report on Roadmap to Environmental Action event of Nov. 13, 2019

On a cold, snowy Wednesday evening, 132 chairs fill Swansea Town Hall. Five banners hang on the wall (from left to right):
     1. Preserving Nature
     2. Food & Agriculture
     3. Consumption & Waste
     4. Transportation
     5. Buildings
These are the sign-up sheets the PHP4 Climate Action Steering Committee prepared. As people trickle in, they walk up to the sheets and check mark those issues most important to them. On each seat lays a “Really Great Climate Action” printout, created by Chris Winter.

Gift-giving, Black Friday, and the Climate Emergency

Given the climate emergency, consider donating to organizations that are doing the necessary work required at this time. CAN-Rac, Climate Action Network Canada, is dedicated to doing all they can to bring together over 100 member groups in Canada on climate issues.


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